Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I don't know how many times I've told "Greasy" not to eat in the computer room. And each and every time, she says "Oops, I forgot." Yesterday, I saw her sneaking chips out of her bag and eating them, using someone else as a shield. But a) I can see her out of the corner of my eye (great teacher skill), and b) HELLOOO!? who can't hear a rustling bag of chips and the eventual crunch? This is after I told her numerous times, and the director pulled her aside and told her. Even after that, she came up to me and asked me "Do you really have a problem with me eating in the computer room?" and me, in no uncertain terms, saying "Yes! Why else would I tell you NOT to eat in there?"

So, next time I catch her eating, I'm not only going to send her to the office, I'm going to have make a big show in class. I'm going to do my best to make her look foolish stupid. I almost HAVE to. No adult, especially a parent, should have to be told, in front of class, a simple rule over thirty times.