Got caught once, shame on you. Got caught again, just give it up.
I have student (I'll call her Sneezy - she has HUGE nostrils and seems to blow her nose a lot), who always, ALWAYS, says she already knows whatever I'm trying to teach her. If I'm teaching Word, she'll say she already learned it. If I'm teaching Excel, she already learned it. The problem is, she doesn't. She always gets things wrong.
Yesterday, I was going over computer basics and she said already knew "all about the basics", but she tried to insert her floppy disk in backwards. When I asked everyone to open WordPad, she said "Oh, I know this program, it's like that other program... whatsitsname." So I decided to test her, "Windows?" I asked. "Yeah dats it!" she said. So said, "No, Windows is the operating system. This is nothing like Windows." She tried to cover, "No, no, I meant that other program. The one with the nice buttons." So I tested her again, "You mean, Excel?" "Yeah! that one.", she blurts out. "But this is totally different from Excel." I say. Again she tried to recover, "OH! I got confused, I know Excel. I meant that other program, you know." I go for one more test, "Internet Explorer?" "No, I got the internet at home. It's that one everyone uses." I say "PowerPoint?" "That's it!" she blurts out. So I decided to end our little sparring session. "No, that can't be it. You must mean Microsoft Word." "Yeah, yeah." she says. ("What...ever!" I say to myself)
She's also one of the students who goes online to sites she knows she shouldn't go on while in class. And then she gets caught because she always seems to end up at one of those sites with the neverending pop-ups, and she can't seem to get them all closed. So she moves to another computer, and she tries to be slick by saying "Excuse me, someone left the internet on over here. I don't know who, I just found it like this."
ANother day, another aspirin.
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