Thursday, June 11, 2009


I really, really, REALLY hate stupidity. I love innocence, naivete, childishness, gullibility... But stupidity!? ARRRRG! It drives me up a wall. And people who are stupid "on purpose"... WOOOO! I might have to call in sick the next day.

Now you might be asking "What does he mean by 'stupidity'? No one is born knowing everything." No, I don't mean a person who doesn't know something. That would be ignorance, in the true sense of the word.

Stupidity is when a person KNOWS, has the mental capacity, the information skill set... to figure something out, but doesn't USE it. They don't grow mentally, they don't seem to want to move on from where they are. Sometimes they ask questions to see if you'll give the same answer. Sometimes they ask the same questions to see if they get more than what they're already getting. Sometimes they'll ask the same question as if the information "didn't stick".

"How do I make something bold?" I show the student how to do it. They ask how to save the file. I show her. Somehow, she erases the file, and we start again. She again asks how to bold some text. I show her. She again asks how to save the file. I save it for her, explaining the steps. She calls me over about a minute later because she can't find the file. Yes, she somehow erased it again. We start a new document. Yes, again, she asks how to bold, and, again, how to save the file. Now this is someone who has a "pimped out" MySpace page, a Facebook page, a SideKick (on which she gets text messages all the time), etc.. and she says she figured that out all by herself. So she's not incapable of learning to use computers and technology, so how can she not learn how to bold and save a file?

"Stupidity On Purpose"

If she doesn't have a finished resume, she can't be sent on interviews, and won't have to go back to work, and can stay in this program longer. Not looking at the long-run, it's benefits her to be stupid. But in the long-run, what happens? A learns about a job opening that she REALLY wants (great pay, great location, rubbing elbows with celebrities...), she rushes, RUSHES, to complete her resume. BAM! Done in minutes. BUT!!! She also needs to have a GED. She's been jerking around for months because she didn't want to be forced to get a job. She wants to be sent THIS WEEKEND to take the GED test, BUT 1. she's not ready because she hasn't been doing the work, and 2. the next possible test date is more than two weeks away. She gets upset blames everyone else. She blames me because if I had helped her, she would have had time to study instead of working on her resume for weeks. She blames her basic education teacher because she didn't give her more subjects to study, instead of focusing on fractions and percents (note: she never finished even ONE assignment)

Sometimes people are stupid on purpose, sometimes they're just stupid without putting in any effort at all.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


It's a very important thing. VERY.

You've heard the phrase "In one ear and out the other". Well, I have a student who is a perfect example of that. Check this out:

me: Sign your name here.
her: What do you want me to do?
me: Sign your name.
her: Where?
me: Right here. where it says 'sign'.
her: Do I sign my name?
me: Yes, your name.
(she's looking at the sign-in sheet for 20 seconds)
her: I don't understand.
me: What don't you understand?
her: What am I supposed to do with this?
me: Sign your name.
her: OH! Okay.
(she signs her name and stares at the sign-in sheet)
her: Okay, now what?
me: What do you mean?
her: What do i do now? Do I keep this?
me: No, it's a sign in sheet. It's for everyone to sign.
her: So what about me?
me: Huh?
her: Where do I sign?
me: Didn't you just sign it?
her: No, someone signed next to my name!
me: Let me see.
(I look at the sign-in sheet and see her name there.)
me: Isn't this your name?
her: Yeah, but I someone must have signed my name.
me: That's not your signature?
her: It looks like it. But when did I sign it? Yesterday?
me: I just saw you signing in a few minutes ago.
her: Oh, I did? I don't remember.
me: Okay, well I'm positive that was you.
her: Alright, if you say so.
(she's standing there, just looking at me)
me: Do you need something?
her: Yeah! What do I do with this now?
(she's holding out the sign-in sheet)
me: Just put it down, so the next person can sign in.
her: Then what?
me: Have a seat.
her: But what do I do with this paper?
me: Just leave it.
her: I don't get it. You want me to have a seat? Where's the teacher?
me: I'm the teacher.
her: OH! I thought someone else was going to teach.
me: I'm the only person who teachers computer class.
her: Isn't there someone else? A lady with a hat?
me: No. Just me.
her: Are you sure?
me: I'm positive. Just have a seat.
her: Should I take this to the office?
me: The sign-in sheet? No, just leave it on the table.
her: But someone signed next to my name!
me: That was you.
her: Are you sure?
me: Yes. I saw you.
her: I don't get it.

Yes, this is for real! Not an exaggeration. Not a nightmare. Not a screenplay.

Please... kill me.