Thursday, September 18, 2003

You don't always get what you think is your's.

Yesterday, a lot of the students were on the computers working on their resumes, and there weren't any available computers. This one student (Who I'll call "Tough Girl") starts to complain, "You people get a lot of money for us being in this program. You should have new computers here for us! I shouldn't have to wait for someone to finish." I try to explain that just because we get money for teaching her, it doesn't mean we can buy anything and everything. We have a budget we have to stick to. And that we don't all get a million dollars for just teaching.

Tough Girl is funny sometimes. She connects totally unrelated topics and expects you to see her point. For example, another teacher told her to go see the job counselor to work on her resume, but he had stepped out for a few minutes. So when he didn't answer his door, she got upset. "This is crazy. She's supposed to be our teacher, how she gonna send us to see someone who isn't here!" I told her, The counselor hasn't gone home yet, she just stepped out, and to just have a seat and wait. She replies, "But do you understand what I'm saying? She's supposed to be our teacher. How is she going to send us to see someone who isn't even here? What are we supposed to do now? I don't want to sit around all day. I got things to do." So I reiterated, "She just stepped out for a few minutes. I think she went to the bathroom. She'll be right back. Just hang on. You can't go home yet, you're supposed to be here anyway." She didn't seem to get it.

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