Friday, November 02, 2007


Sometimes, I just can't deal with the bullshit. I have a supervisor (a few steps up hierarchy) who is annoying as one can get.

Let me start off by saying she is a very nice, pleasant, cordial person.

That said, she is also very annoying. She is passive-aggressive, sneaky and is completely unprepared to supervise people on subjects she has ZERO knowledge about. She'll question about the merits of what and how I'm teaching (computers) while 1. knowing VERY little about computers, and 2. NEVER having taught anyone, at anytime, about any subject... EVER.

And, she is frustrating as hell.

She will ask you a simple question, you'll give a simple answer, and she'll twist you answer into a tapestry of insane, mind-bending paths. I once went from talking about a memo, to an upcoming meeting, to which coworker is in my room, to what's going on at the moment, to why there's a typo on a handout, to insinuations of hiding something, to thanking me for all my hard work, to questions about coworkers, to "Okay, well have a nice day."

She once asked me to send her some photos of my students, then asked me if I had a signed release form for each student, because "You HAVE to have a signed release form to use their likeness in a photo." I replied that, of course I did. "But that form doesn't mention use on the Internet, so do you have an updated photo release form." So I create a new form, send her a copy, and get the students to sign them. Then, she tells me, "Don't use that new form, because
we have to make sure it goes through the legal department." So I ask when she'll send out the that new form. She says she's not sure, but not to expect it anytime soon BECAUSE LEGAL DEPARTMENT IS STILL REVIEWING THE FORM SHE SENT THEM A MONTH AGO. So I ask "Well why would you ask for photos knowing you can't use them because we don't have a proper 'legal' form?" She then claims she thought I already had it, while at the same time admitting she would have gotten it first for a final review! So now I feel like a schmuck for putting in all that effort into something she knew she couldn't use.

It's times like this, that the supervisors need supervising.

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