Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Some people always seem to "know".

I have a student who alwyas has an answer, even for the questions she asks me. She'll tell me that there's something wrong with her computer, then when I go to fix it, she'll say somethng like "I was going to fix it, but I just wanted you to see what the problem was. I could have done it." or "It said the same thing last time, and I saw you fix it, but I didn't want to get blamed for messing it up in the first place." The other day she asked me to help her adjust her document so it would print on one page. As I did it, she said "Oh, I thought you had a better way to fix it. I knew how to do that. I didn the same thing on my computer at home." Maybe once, she just said "Oh, that's how you do it. Thanks."

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