Friday, February 06, 2004

Older people and the Internet.

The other night I taught a basics class on using the internet. A l ot of older people take this class because they have problems "getting it". Young people understand it immediately. While I like the idea of older people learning to use the internet, many times it's very difficult to teach them.

I had a student who was typing her information so slowly, that the site timed out. Then she had to redo it again, which timed out again. I had to do it for her. Another student was filling out the sign-up form, she typed in her password, and when asked to re-type her password ON THE NEXT LINE, she had already forgotten what it was. I recommended that she write it down in case she forgets. She said "No, how can I forget, it's my granddaughter's name." I was laughing inside, " can I forget.." She had JUST forgotten it from one line to the next!

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