Monday, June 07, 2004

Sometimes I just want to scream.

For the billionth time, I helped a student to fix their resume. It's not helping that bothers me. It's the waiting until last minute, then whining when I'm too busy to sit and help JUST that student.

Today was busy: two computers messing up, a coworker's computer kept shutting and she needed it now, a student is asking for some special training, someone's floppy was messed up (because they took it home, like I always ask them not to), two students wanted previous test scores, while another student wants to tell me about her "excitement this weekend". Then this student, who was here all last week, decides she needs help with her resume now, right now, because she's going to an interview tomorrow (which she knew of since last week).

I help her, and she says "See? That didn't take long. Thanks."

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